When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.

Monday, June 28, 2010

MONDAY - JULY 28, 2010

If you were making a bucket list, what would be number one on the list?


Good morning!  It's beautiful here this morning, but stormy.  That doesn't keep all the breakfast bunch of the Aviary Club, Robin, Dove, Jay, Mr. Cardinal, and the snitty little Ms. Chickamouse from arriving at the bird feeder, though.  They just rush a little more.

I have had several requests to revive the My People Blog.  When I was doing it, I made it way too much work for myself, so I will, on Mondays, begin posting a question, and everyone can just post their answers, long or short, it's YOUR blog, really.  Just keep the posts somewhat clean since I don't want to tag it as an adults only site and eliminate some of the kids.  That way, we will learn a lot about each other and maybe make some new friendships along the way.  If you connect with someone here, please let us know about it, because I might have to change it to a matchmaker's site!  LOL.  

And please, don't be shy about bringing your friends along to play My People on Mondays.  The more people at the feeder, the better!

And thank you for supporting the blog.  Welcome to the blog that is all about you.  

With no further ado, I will post this and then post the question of the week. Have fun!
