When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I remember, as a child, the excitement of taking a trip in my dad's 1957 Bel-Air.  It was pink with the gray wings, at least I thought they were wings.  They seemed like wings when we went flying down the highway.  Weren't things so much simpler then?  I remember lying in the back window of the car, looking out at the cars behind me as we flew.  I would have thought my mom, being the worrier and over-protector that she was, would have had a fit about the danger associated with that posture because nowadays, what happens if you see a kid in the window of a car or on the back of a pickup truck?  "OH, MY GOD!  WHAT HORRIBLE PARENTS!"  

We would make the trip to my grandparents' house in that car every Sunday for dinner.  My grandmother was, and I still believe this after several years of living and eating, the best cook in the world.  One of my finest memories was having a belly full of chicken, mashed potatoes, fresh corn on the cob, and fresh-picked green beans, embracing that dull sleepiness that would follow, and curling up in the sun-warmed back window of the car.  I would give up any responsibilities for my safety to my most cherished adults riding shotgun, and sleep all the way home...that kind of sleep that only sated children can accomplish.

What is your traveling memory?  

Let Tuesday roll! 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Hi, to all my peeps.  I hope you all had a fantastic 4th of July, and that's what I'd like to know about you this week.  How did you celebrate?  What did you eat?  Who did you visit?  Fireworks or no?  Discuss, por favor! 

Monday, June 28, 2010

MONDAY - JULY 28, 2010

If you were making a bucket list, what would be number one on the list?


Good morning!  It's beautiful here this morning, but stormy.  That doesn't keep all the breakfast bunch of the Aviary Club, Robin, Dove, Jay, Mr. Cardinal, and the snitty little Ms. Chickamouse from arriving at the bird feeder, though.  They just rush a little more.

I have had several requests to revive the My People Blog.  When I was doing it, I made it way too much work for myself, so I will, on Mondays, begin posting a question, and everyone can just post their answers, long or short, it's YOUR blog, really.  Just keep the posts somewhat clean since I don't want to tag it as an adults only site and eliminate some of the kids.  That way, we will learn a lot about each other and maybe make some new friendships along the way.  If you connect with someone here, please let us know about it, because I might have to change it to a matchmaker's site!  LOL.  

And please, don't be shy about bringing your friends along to play My People on Mondays.  The more people at the feeder, the better!

And thank you for supporting the blog.  Welcome to the blog that is all about you.  

With no further ado, I will post this and then post the question of the week. Have fun!


Thursday, April 1, 2010


I have begun to lose track of whole weeks now.  That happens when the weather warms up and the outside becomes my main attraction.

But I have a question for you:

If someone told you you could eat only 1 food for the next month, which food would you choose and why?  

Happy April 1!  

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Okay, time for a new discussion.  Thanks to you guys for participating in the travel one!  That was fun.  

Next question:  When someone starts talking about books, what book pops into your mind as the one that made the biggest impression on you, good or bad?  

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Maybe we should all start thinking about getting to those places we would love to go!  

Thursday, March 11, 2010


If you were told you could take a vacation for 2 weeks anywhere in the world and money was no option, where would you go?


Hi, everybody!  I wanted to apologize for dropping out of the My People Blog for awhile.  Man, work picked up and life took over and I couldn't keep everything going at the same time.  

Now, though, I have an idea.  Instead of me taking the time to edit and post all your stories, I am going to simply post a question, and I'll leave that one up for a week.  You can all type comments with your answers and responses, and we can read and respond back to you.  

So, happy blogging!  I'm anxious to get started and will post the first question soon!


Saturday, January 9, 2010


I just wanted to take a moment to wish my cousin and best friend, Tracy, a happy 50th birthday! 

Tracy and I have had a few years of ying and yang.  I can go, she can’t.  I’m working, she’s not, she’s working, I’m not…she’s got money for a trip, I don’t, I have money for a trip, she doesn’t…you get the picture!

But today, Tracy has caught up to my decade and I am expecting us to just ying together, at least until I leave her decade for the next one. We have, the way I see it, seven years of yinging before we start yanging again!

Cheers to my “sister” and pal!  Let’s party for the next seven years, Trace!

I love you!