One day I was perusing a website I enjoyed and was stopped in my tracks by a post there that made me laugh. I cannot remember now what the subject was, but all that mattered was that I laughed out loud and then laughed out loud later when her husband posted a response.
The next day the fun continued, and finally, since the things she was saying were almost like listening to my own words echo off the walls, I decided to send her an e-mail.
“Dear Erin,” it began, as most letters are wont to do. “You don’t know me, but I have to tell you how much I’ve enjoyed your comments on that message board, and your hubby sounds like a hoot!”
That short message began an e-mail relationship that continues to this day, just giving credence to what I always say about friendships and people in your life: You don’t have to see them everyday, hear from them everyday, or even have met them, but you can still be as close to them as if you lived as next door neighbors!
Here is what Erin has to say about family, memories, and childhood. Welcome Erin to our world!
“I think my most memorable/favorite Christmas moments as a child were when we would receive our Christmas package sent to us by our grandparents, aunt and uncle in England. It would typically arrive in very early December, since my Grandmother had sent it by surface mail in October, to arrive in time for Christmas. We would all begin looking for it in late November! Oh, happy day when it arrived! I always knew immediately when the postman walked up our walkway with it, that it was from England. All the postage stamps across it bearing the Queen’s image! We would always say we were going to wait until Christmas to open it...but, we never did, and to tell you the truth, I think it was more our mom who could not wait that long! She missed her family in England very much. Into it we would tear, with the beautiful scent of a far away land drifting from the package and filling the room, and Mom would begin passing things around! We all got our own Cadbury Milk Trays, which were wonderful because we lived in a very small town and could not even buy Cadburys chocolates like we now can. Grandma always packed Mom some PG Tipps English Tea and the kids "Rock Candy" bought on holiday in Blackpool. I especially remember a beautiful sweater I received, made from glittery royal blue yarn. I was so sad when I outgrew it! I loved wearing was as if it were my grandmother’s arms lovingly wrapped around me all the way from England. Also, each Christmas box contained a beautiful Tea and Saucer set, made in England, which are now some of my most cherished possessions.
I think my favorite activity as a kid was just being with my family! I had a perfect childhood and anything we did was always fun. My older sisters doted on me. We were always laughing and playing. I just remember lots of happy times and look back on my childhood with extremely fond memories! The best times were our annual week-long trips to the beautiful Oregon Coast. We are very close to this day and I look forward to our visits.”
Ahhhh…doting sisters and a perfect childhood! Makes me want to hear a little more about that! Thanks for sharing, Erin!
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